picture of a wolverine, standing on its hind legs in the forest


Hi, my name is Koze and I'm a dork who is happy to meetcha ://3


As you may know, my name is Koze (the E is silent, and the name rhyme with rose, froze, and hose).I'm a 30-something year old goofball living in the southeast USA with my spouse and our cat.I'm a furry doofus who studied art/design/UX-UI and love talking about those topics. My day job is as a UX/UI designer.

portrait of my fursona, done in clip studio paint and procreate

here's my fursona! art is by me.

Selected Works

I don't draw nearly as much as I should, and I'll eventually get more stuff out there D:Most of my work is digital and done on either Procreate, Photoshop or Clip Studio Paint.


I have plenty of interests in different topics and you're most likely gonna hit it off with me if you dig any of these things too:

  • Art (digital or traditional)

  • Design (as a concept in general. I love seeing cool graphic designs and talking about cool stuff)

  • Movies (Not super into MCU stuff, sorry)

  • Anime (in particular mecha, jojo, most studio trigger stuff, etc).

  • Hiking (I'm just a noob and do easy trails haha)

  • Gunpla/Model Kit Building

  • Tech stuff (I'm fond of Apple computers/tablets/etc, but general tech is cool too).

  • Vidja Games (Lately I've been into Persona/Shin Megami Tensei, Metroid, and Devil May Cry)

  • BEER (No for real I fucking love beer. I enjoy a good lager, pilsner, or Belgian)

  • Cooking

  • DJ'ing I guess?

  • Photography (a new pet hobby)

  • Firearms (mostly range days/target shooting)

General Disclaimers

Close up photo of my gray and white cat, Naomi.

I work a full-time job Monday-Friday and I also go to the gym 3x a week so I tend to stay busy, haha.Even then, my home life and kitty are my priority. So if I seem avoidant or not really interested in talking, please respect that :( sometimes I just wanna veg out, play games, do other creative endeavors, and harass the gremlin.

Boundary Notice

I try not to use mental illness as an excuse, but I do have some pretty awful social anxiety and depression that I do my best to maintain with medication and proper self-care. such as spending time on myself or developing soft skills and learning new things. I'm super introverted but I do love people and try my best to make time for folks as I have the energy to.That said, some topics are a hard limit for me.
- Roleplay: I don't do it anymore and have awful memories in regards to that subject, so please don't try to change my mind or anything
- Adult/Sexual: I don't mind talking about adult/sexual topics, but I'm not interested in flirting/sleeping with others
- Politics: This has become deeply personal to me and it's not a subject I like to engage in often. I'm not creating an echo chamber, but I just would rather not spend my free time talking about depressing shit
- Excessive Negativity - I'm a flawed empath who internalizes a lot of peoples' suffering and I promise I do care, but I get extremely overwhelmed and stressed if it goes on for too long.

Link Lank Lonk

Places where I creep sometimes, I guess :V

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